This page last changed on Nov 17, 2004 by casey.
SituationPrevious (WW-1.4)Current (WW-2.1)
Referring to an object in the PageContext scope@itemIdOrName#attr['itemIdOrName']
Referring to an object in the Request scopeitemIdOrNameSame, but use #request['itemIdOrName'] if nested in an iteration.
Referring to an object in the Session scope@itemIdOrName#session['itemIdOrName']
Referring to an object in the Application scope@itemIdOrName#application['itemIdOrName']
Property Settersfoo/bar translates to getFoo().setBar() translates to getFoo().setBar()
Property Gettersfoo/bar translates to getFoo().getBar() translates to getFoo().getBar()
Boolean/boolean Property Gettersfoo/bar translates to getFoo().getBar() if bar is java.lang.Boolean, if primitive bar translates to getFoo().isBar() Same, except uses dot notation instead of a slash (i.e.
Collections as PropertiesN/ACollections (including arrays) are similar to other objects, except they allow indexing:[indexOrKeyName] translates to getFoo().getBar().get(indexOrKeyName)
curly braces - {}, evaluates contents of braces first, and use the result as the property to then evaluate. <webwork:property value="{'name'}"/> translates to getName() on the curent object.No longer used.

Originally written by Jay Bose and sent to the mailing list
Document generated by Confluence on Dec 14, 2004 16:36